تریلر جدید از اسلحه های destiny 2 beyond light (ویدئو)
- No Time To Explain (Pulse Rifle): “Precision hits and hits against enemies affected by Stasis will return to the magazine. Stack this effect to summon a portal which will fire bullets from an alternate timeline of the weapon.”
- Cloudstrike (Sniper Rifle): “Precision final blows will generate lightning bolts at the target location. Rapid precision shots will summon an entire storm at the point of impact.”
- The Lament (Sword): “A mortal blade, a stalwart shield. Block with The Lament to rev the blade, then shred through shielded enemies. At its peak, damaging an enemy will heal the wielder.”
- Salvation’s Grip (Grenade Launcher): “Redemption is within your grasp. Each fired projectile will create Stasis crystals that will freeze nearby targets. Charge to increase the amount of crystals created and the freeze radius.”
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